There's a lady in the clouds She lives there just
for me. This lovely lady in the clouds My angel she will always be.
I looked one day everywhere For nothing
but gloom. Then there she was, standing there There in my lonely room.
She smiled at me and took my hand And
led me to the light. My dreary thoughts and darkest fears She helped me put aright.
She's always there when I
need her most With a wave and lovely smile. She never asks for anything And holds my hand all the while.
my life is full of stress I know she is always near. And in her selfless way Says "I'll always be here."
now I see other clouds As in a gathering storm. Trying to take the lady away My heart sounds an alarm.
lady looks to me As softly I shed a tear. Her love and her strength Are sorely needed here.
Oh Lady, my Lady
of the Clouds This note I freely send. Stay with me, be with me I Love you my little friend.
That love and
the strength You so freely gave to me. Are waiting right here I give them back to thee.
Know that I am here
for you As you so oft were for me. I'll hold your hand and touch your brow And stand by you, you'll see.
come and friends go Piecing our lives together. Among those friends, my friend Angels are forever.
Copyrights Owned
By David B. McCurley

Note By Author:
Written to a young lady that had attempted suicide--
God gave me this one in less than 15 mins--I didn't
change a word and he told
me to make sure she got it. She was on life support
with no responses and
her son read it to her and she moaned and moved
her arms.
The letter on the below was to inform me of her
passing and includes her epitath. She was a lovely person and a fine poet.

"This is NOT "StormCloudLady' .. but I was her
friend, her employee and part time care giver.
I do not know any of you but you have been in her address
book, so I am informing you that at approximatley 11:30 am today March 31, 2003.
Cheryl (StormCloudlady) succumbed to her cancer.
She did not have pain at the end just slept".
By: OneFarawayLady

Note By Author:
She wrote her own epitath and it is included.
Think of Me by SSW
Think of me when I'm not here Remember the good
and not the fear My time is soon and I will be free Of the pain, the hurt, the misery
Think of me when I'm not
here Remember the fun we held so dear One day at a time is what we hold Each breath we breathe is so bold
of me when I'm not here Remember the love without the tear Time for happiness not the grief What will come will be
my relief
Think of me when I'm not here Hold in your heart and keep me near The end is not yet the circle not
done My heart and soul are still as one!

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